- Implement and maintain Cyber Essentials Plus which is an enhanced level of cyber hygiene as defined and recommended by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)
- Ensure your organisation is compliant with the Cyber Essentials Plus standard
- Certify your organisation to Cyber Essentials Plus
The Cyber Essentials scheme is a cyber security standard, which organisations can be assessed and certified against. It identifies the security controls that an organisation must have in place within their IT systems in order to have confidence that they are addressing cyber security effectively and mitigating the risk from Internet-based threats.
The scheme focuses on the following five essential mitigation strategies within the context of the 10 Steps to Cyber Security guide found on the National Cyber Security Centre’s website: –
- Firewalls
- Secure Configuration
- Access Control
- Malware Protection
- Patch Management
Cyber Essentials Plus is a pre-requisite certification for supplying to some elements of UK Government, Defence and Healthcare.
It provides organisations with clear guidance on implementation as well as offering independent certification following the provision of a self-assessment questionnaire to a certifying body, supplemented with a vulnerability scan of the organisational perimeter.
Following a layered approach, the assessment additionally includes an onsite technical review of the build and maintenance of the organisation’s workstations and mobile devices, including checks on: –
- Patch levels of the Operating Systems
- Patch levels of additional applications installed (Office, Adobe, Java, Firefox, Chrome etc)
- Up to date mobile Operating Systems
- Up to date mobile applications
- Lock screens enabled on mobile devices
- Other configuration and account handling weaknesses associated with the build of the devices.
Additionally, how the organisation manages the handling of known (but non-malicious in our test cases) malware originating from Internet downloads and emails is assessed.
Cyber Essentials Plus is a pre-requisite certifications for supplying to some elements of UK Government, Defence and Healthcare.
Call us on 01242 652100 for an initial free consultation and scoping call. Alternatively, request a datasheet using the form below or email us at: contact@prisminfosec.com